My Principles for Fitness Programming and Training

Move Well

Movement patterns are the starting point for learning how to and being able to increase your strength, health and endurance, while minimizing injury. Developing an understanding of and practicing squatting, pressing, pulling and lifting with efficient and effective mechanics are the basics for a healthy lifestyle that works with any level of exercise. A primary focus of our 1 on 1 training sessions is to identify how you already move well and build on that, while identifying areas of opportunity. In these sessions, we’ll review new concepts and movements to continue your fitness growth.

Build Strength

An emphasis on strength training is core to my programming. As we age, we lose muscle mass and bone density naturally through the aging process. Strength and resistance training can help offset what naturally happens, ensuring we can stay strong, toned and independent. Our ability to move well is also dependent on how strong our bodies are. If we lack the base strength necessary, we won’t be able to move into strong and safe positions. Strength goals will vary but my focus will always be to have you feeling stable and strong in your everyday activities and exercise.

Add Intensity

While Movement and Strength are the 2 core components of your training, Intensity is the volume knob that we’ll turn up or down to challenge your movement and strength practice. Our bodies grow stronger through stressing them, but to a point. Too much stress for too long leads to burnout. Too little stress doesn’t lead to any progress. My programming varies the intensity, duration, focus and style of intensity, with the goal of providing different levels of stress so your body has to continually adapt and continue to make progress.

Think Long Term

My focus is on the long term. Focusing on movement patterns, building strength and varying intensity are going to lead to the best long term results and outcomes. I avoid quick fixes or the latest gimmicks. Quick fixes and the results from those quick fixes usually don’t last and can cause more long term harm. My focus is to find the right habits and practices that are going to lead to consistent, positive health outcomes for you.